Cristy Jade Lydia: Review-Garnier Micellar cleansing water


Review-Garnier Micellar cleansing water

14 Jan 2014

Hello everyone, today I thought I would review a new purchase of mine, which is the new Garnier micellar cleansing water which I brought from savers for £2.99. You can also get it from Superdrug too but for £.4.99 so I recommend going to Savers because they do a lot of good deals in there.
I really like micellar solutions/waters to remove my make up because I find they aren't as harsh on my eyes and it doesn't sting your eyes when  you are removing your make up. There are many brands out there that have introduced micellar cleansers into their range of products and I think the most popular one is Bioderma, which is around £15 per bottle , so when I saw this garnier one, I automatically wanted to buy it considering how much it reminded me of Bioderma and was also a lot less expensive. 
You apply it too a cotton pad and hold it on your eyes for about 15 seconds and then sollution dissolves your make up, allowing it to glide off your face. Its also a great product because it removes make up but also cleanses your skin and it doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy. I havn't tried Bioderma but if you were thinking of trying it I would defiantly recomend trying this one first.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope it  gave you a good insight about this product if you were thinking of buying it or maybe Bioderma! Thankyou for reading!

Cristy x x 


1 comment:

  1. Rimmel also have a Micellar Gel for removing eye makeup which is also really gentle.
    Great Review.


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